Rick Smith vs Maria Timothy

My daughter Megan lost her life in a car wreck due to her friend driving. Her family did not take responsibility for her actions. Their insurance had a $50,000 pay out and my insurance wanted that money. My intentions were for using the funds were for school scholarships and ministries, see www.megansletter.com. A judge that sold out worked against me, by not letting the jury know about Megan’s letter or my intentions. State Farm, Mike Huckabay, my attorney Dustin Dyer, a corrupt Judge, Robert McCullum who undermined me and a jury that believed a lie. 

I contacted Dustin Dyer before July pretrial.  I told Dyer that since he got busted for drugs, that I didn't want him to represent me.  I told him I wanted Parker Jones to represent me in court.  Dyer said ok.  When pretrial came up, Dyerand Jones showed up, instead of just Jones.  Instead of Jones representing me, Dyer  did.  Dyer and Mike Huckabay, Maria Timothy's atty, went behind closed doors, and had their little talk.   I took the stand.  Mike Huckabay questioned me first, then Dyer.  I felt that Dyer was working for the other side, asking me what good would it do to go to court.  After pretrial, I talked to Dyer, and he said Judge Robert McCallum was going to make an out of court settlement.  I told Dyer, "You tell that ******* 'That's a bunch of ****!' ". 

In court, Mike Huckabay, attorney for Maria Timothy, said "Maybe you know Rick Smith.   He sued the city of Arkadelphia, sued his renters, gave his girlfriend an engagement ring, and after they broke up, sued her for it." 

I wanted the court to know about "Megan's Letter", and that if there were any lawsuit award/proceeds, that the money would not go for me, but for school scholarships, and ministry.  I had information that I wanted given to the jury, telling about Megan's Letter.  Mike Huckabay, attorney for State Farm, didn't want the jury to know this.  Judge Robert McCallum  agreed. 

Since my attorney, Dustin Dyer, didn't speak up in court concerning me suing the city of  Arkadelphia, former renters, or an ex-girlfriend, which all these things are true but taken out of context, I will.  First, I did sue the city of Arkadelphia.  I HAD  the permits to put the mobile homes back in.  I was legally right in what I did.  That renter that I kicked out was using drugs in my mobile home.  He wasn't paying rent, and was damaging my property.  That ex-girlfriend, (Karen), after the breakup, gave the engagement ring to Mary Forsythe to give to me.  After nine months, I had another girlfriend, (.   She saw me at a Christmas play. She started calling, and coming to see me.  At Christmas time she gave me Christmas gifts.  Right after x-mas, she wanted to buy the engagement ring.  So I sold it to her but never got paid a dime.  She told her mother, and her mother told my friend that the only reason she came back into my life was to get that ring.  She used to tell her mother on the phone "I love you Mama", but as soon as she hung up, she'd say, "Oh, that b****!"  And after that I dealt with a lot of wicked people.  I taped her saying, "I owe you for the ring."  One judge said, it was evident that she owed me for the ring, but that he couldn't rule on the ring. 

In court my attorney, Dustin Dyer, asked me why (Maria Timothy) never made contact with me.  She never told me she was sorry about killing my daughter, she told the court the reason that why she never contacted me was that when she worked at Arkadelphia Health Club, "He stared me down".  Then I stated, "That's an outright lie, I never did it."  I have papers that my health insurance wanted to be reimbursed for the hospital costs.  Atty Mike Huckabay, said if the court gave him a million dollars, he wouldn't be happy. 

Maria's grandparents bought the car.  Atty Mike Huckabay made it sound like Maria would never have any money.  Yet Maria is an heir to her grandparents inheritance.  State Farm says there was a payoff of fifty thousand dollars, in the beginning.  I received zero of that payoff, and zero from the jury.  Judge Robert McCallum, and the twelve members of the jury did the unspeakable thing.  Megan's Letter is about witness for Christ, school scholarships, and her memory.